Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why can't I stop eating???

I'm posting early today, because I'm a bit perturbed with how my night went  yesterday.  I had posted about my sugar-laden foodfests during date night and that I had to forego any snacks or eating of any kind the rest of the evening to maintain my calorie goal.  Well... as you've probably already guessed, that didn't happen.

It began with a bite of chocolate.  I know! More sugar!!  Hubby and I were sitting down to watch House and he had a huge chocolate bar.  At first, I was like, no way am I having  any.  Then, I was thinking about how he hadn't even offered me a bite for me to turn down.  Then I just wanted a damn bite of the chocolate.  I stared him down until he offered me some.  I ate about a quarter of his chocolate bar (probably why he didn't offer me any in the first place).

It didn't stop there, unfortunately.  I then ate a bag of kettle popcorn (the 100 calorie bag, so not terribly bad, but totally unneeded calories). 

Then, a bean burrito.  Because, you can imagine how hungry I was, having EATEN ALL DAY!

Then, four dark choco pieces.

I finally stopped.  *sigh*

So you can understand my angst this morning. I haven't tallied it all up yet, but I would have to guesstimate that I ate about 2200 calories in total yesterday.

Why is not eating so hard?  Why couldn't I just NOT eat?  I wasn't terribly hungry.  If I had been physically hungry, I could understand that avoiding food would have been hard.  But, I really wasn't.  I wasn't full, but I wasn't physically hungry.  I just wanted to eat.  And I didn't want to stop eating.

I really need to just NOT EVER watch TV.  How depressing is that?  That I have so little control over myself that I can't watch TV because I'll overeat.  But, really, that's not it, either.  Because there have been enough nights recently when I have snacked my way through an evening without once turning on the TV.  Like the night I kept myself busy until 11:30 pm, but then ate several hundred calories between 11:30 and 12:30 when I finally went to bed.  It doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing, I just want to eat at night.  Sometimes I'm genuinely hungry and eating satisfie s that, but then I keep eating beyond satisfying the physical hungry.  Other times, I'm just eating because I want to eat, not because I physically need food.

I'm going to do some research and see if I can find anything online that may help.  Some trick or motivation.  Not that I haven't read a ton of books, but I may find just the right message to get through my thick skull.  (Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to check.)  I'll post here if I find anything useful.

Here's a positive note to start my day with, though, I hit my first goal of the day! I started work at 6:30 this morning, yay me :)

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