Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yoga Day 2

I did Yoga again today, this time from a book I've had for a few weeks that shows some of the easier poses.  This way I can take my time to try to twist my body into something resembling the picture and then hold it for a few seconds.  My back hurts.  It's way harder than it looks.  My muscles were burning and shaking on some of the poses.  Others, it just hurt to position myself that way.  Still others were fine.  I don't like the human pretzel poses but I do like the balancing poses, because it feels a little like a game, like we would play when we were kids on the school ground.  (I don't know who I am referring to in the "we.")

As part of my trying to enjoy life more, which includes adding laughter to my life, I've been listening to an Ellen DeGeneres audio book on my drives to and fro work, and it is laugh-out-loud funny.  I really don't want to re-tell some of her jokes on here, because I don't have comedic timing and you wouldn't enjoy it without actually listening to her tell it, but this is a type of therapy I can enjoy.

So, since I don't tend to feel like doing anything, and I honestly believe that I need to put in more of what I want out of life, I'm going to break my blog down a bit.  So, here's how I want to do it:

1.  My Mindful Moment:  Today I had a mindful moment when I was driving home and I noticed how the grass went from really green to really brown in just a few yards.  I stopped thinking about other stuff and just noticed the grass, for a moment.

2.  My Do It  Anyway Moment:  I stopped by the store and got milk even though I really didn't want to.  (Okay, I had the added motivation of also getting brownie mix,  but still.)

3.  My Exercise Minutes (because I want to do more than a moment):  Yoga (see above)  I also plan on a short walk this evening (after the brownies because THAT will work off those calories).

4.  My I Like Myself Moment:  I received a rather snooty email from a coworker and rather than respond to it equally snooty, I just responded by saying thank you, quite nicely. 

So that's it.  Those are my moments (and minutes).  Incidentally, I'm up to 385 minutes toward my 500 minutes of exercise goal.  A bit short of the mark for my average daily, but well within shooting distance to reach my goal of 500 minutes on Saturday.

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