Friday, July 12, 2013

The Weekend

Yay for the weekend.  I can tell you already, I'm going to be so bummed Sunday evening.  I have never been so relieved for a Friday.  I can't even say why this week was so difficult, other than what's in my own head with regard to the people I'm working with.  No, not even with them in of themselves, but them in relation to me. 

Anyway, I'm trying very hard not to think negative things about myself, like that I'm being ridiculous getting so caught up in worrying what people think about me.  I know it's perfectly natural and normal, but a part of me still feels a bit pathetic (okay, more than a bit).

Today was actually better, although partly because it was Friday and partly because one of the duo who spend the most time gossiping was out today.  Just not having the whispering and private meetings helped.  Also, I had a pretty good day with regard to the reason I'm there:  the work itself.  So, I had that nice feeling of having accomplished something.

No bike ride this morning, but that's okay.  I'm not going to beat myself up about it.  I didn't exercise tonight, but I did get some housecleaning done and that's good enough for the time being.

This weekend I'm taking the kids to visit an old school friend.  She lives a few hours away so we're going to overnight it with her.  Her husband is working the weekend so it'll just be us and our kids so it should be fun.  Part of me, my social anxiety part, wants to back out.  I've even come up with reasons to tell her why I can't make it after all.  But I'm mostly looking forward to getting away for a couple days and I think it'll be good for the kids and me, so I'm just going to go, no matter how cold my feet get.

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