Sunday, July 28, 2013


I have suffered from chronic migraines since I was in high school, although they weren't finally diagnosed as such until a few years ago.  I'm usually fine because I have imitrex to take at the onset of a migraine and the head pain magically disappears.  On occasion, I would need to take a second imitrex the following day or would have to take two in one day to kill a particularly severe migraine.  Generally, however, when I get a migraine about once a week, I take an imitrex and that is that.

Prior to the diagnosis and prescription of imitrex, my life was somewhat ruled  by my headaches.  I was taking OTC pain relievers almost daily because once the headache would start, I could only minimize the pain as much as possible until it finally self-resolved days later.  Since I would get a headache about once a week, it meant that most days I was managing pain.  When they got particularly bad, I would go to the doctor where I would be diagnosed with sinusitis and given a prescription for codeine or vicodin.  I would take sinus headache relievers and the codeine or vicodin to try to manage my pain.  This is how I spent most of my 20s and 30s.

Since finding the magic pill, I really haven't had to worry too much about pain management in terms of my headaches.  Until now.  Since I changed jobs a couple months ago, I don't currently have medical insurance.  The imitrex costs $300 without insurance, for 9 pills.  And that's the generic version!  Unfortunately, although I do have a refill on my imitrex, I don't have $300 since my husband still hasn't received his first paycheck.  I'm playing catch-up on my car payment and I was finally able to get some groceries into the house on my last paycheck, but there certainly isn't a spare $300 for my imitrex.

I currently have a headache, although it isn't yet bad.  I know my triggers (lack of sleep, weather changes, hormonal changes, skipping meals) and this time it's hormonal so not much I can do about it.  It isn't bad right now, but I know it can get bad over time.  Usually my headaches start out fairly mild for the first day, with increased pain the second day to nearly intolerable pain by the third day.  I'm worried, but all I can do is try to take care of myself the best I can and not overdo the OTC medication.  Too much OTC medication can actually have the reverse effect, significantly increasing headache pain by causing a rebound headache. 

Anyway, that's where my head is today.  I'm not struggling too much with NOT thinking about food because I'm thinking about my headache (although I have looked up which foods to eat and which to avoid for migraines :)

Exercise will have to be light since migraines are worsened with exertion.  Hoping it isn't going to be a difficult day.

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