Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Not Today

Still no-go on my daily goal of riding my bike in the morning.  This morning I woke at 5:30 am, before my alarm had gone off, but didn't want to get up yet so I turned off the 6am alarm and turned on the 7am alarm.  7:20 is the latest I can sleep in and still make it to work on time.  I did get up at 7am rather than 7:20, so a little earlier than yesterday, but that wasn't enough time to go for a bike ride.  Tomorrow is another chance to succeed.

Eating-wise it hasn't been going so well.  I eat well when I'm at work.  I start out each morning with a light English Muffin whole grain with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and an apple.  Then, if I have a mid-morning snack, I will eat a banana or other piece of fruit.  For lunch, a sandwich with light whole grain bread and lunch meat with mustard and no mayo, and a piece of fruit.  I have a bag of baby carrots for my first snack and a Greek yogurt for my second snack. 

So, that's all good and fine.  Until I get home.  And then I start eating stuff like cup o noodles and white bread toast with butter and jam.  (Try four of the latter.)  I did heat up a frozen bag of veggies as well but still... where's the lean protein and fiber and whole foods?  I know I should be eating better.

Exercise has been out the window.  It was still 102 degrees out when I got home at 6pm.  And I just don't have any drive to do any exercise. 

Today was uncomfortable, with my pants digging into my gut all day, so you'd think that I'd be focused on my weight loss by that.  I don't know what it is lately... I just can't seem to focus on what I want in the long term rather than the short term.

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