Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday, Monday

Not my favorite day for sure.  Especially when I have a huge project to finish by mid-afternoon, and a presentation to prepare for hanging over my head.  I HATE giving presentations, especially on a peer level.

Anyway, so my eating...  I did make out my menu, but I didn't do very well sticking to it.  In fact, I don't think I ate but two meals off my menu since I wrote it.  But, I don't think it was a waste of time at all.  It gave me an opportunity to mentalize all the foods in my kitchen that I CAN and SHOULD eat.  I usually focus on what I can't eat and focusing on what I could eat was good for me.

Friday morning, however, did not go well.  I ate, ate, ate, ate.  Junk, junk, junk, for the first five or six hours of the day.  I felt like crap.  I had eaten like crap on Thursday night too.  I had a conversation with my sister about it on Friday afternoon.  I was moaning about how I couldn't seem to control my eating and why was it so hard and I felt like giving up... major pity party about it.  She strongly urged me to stop and go work out, if nothing else, give myself some happy hormones.  I very, very reluctantly agreed.  Initially I'd had no intention of exercising, but she talked me into it.  I also decided then and there that I wouldn't eat again the rest of the day, except for raw veggies or a salad.  There was no reason to give up the rest of the day to bad eating just cuz i had started out that way.

I also decided I HAVE to stay away from the damn sugar.  It's my kryptonite and I have to stay away from it. 

So, Friday night I jogged/walked five miles and ate nothing else the rest of the day.  I felt my better that night.  Saturday, I ate really well.  NO SUGAR!!  I was already seeing a difference on the scale by Sunday morning.

Sunday I ate well enough.  I did well until dinner at my parents', which turned out to be a major food-fest.  I guess my dad was hungry when he prepared the meal. :)  The really good thing is that because of his diabetes we had sugar-free pie and lean meat and lots of veggies for dinner.  I ate A LOT but healthy foods and no sugar!

Last night I snacked on measured portions of popcorn, broccoli and a cup of hot chocolate with fat-free milk and sugar-free cocoa.  I probably didn't need the added calories, but I figured it was more important for me to concentrate on not eating sugar that not eating at all.  One thing at a time.  I have noticed that since I haven't been eating sugar, I haven't been bingeing in the evening.  Even last night's snacks were eaten over a period of several hours and all in normal portions.

It feels good to feel like I have some control again.

1 comment:

  1. I am certainly no expert -
    But I am finding out
    what works for me.
    And to stay away from the sugar in the first place
    turned out to be the keys to the kingdom for me!

    Control is good, Cloudy!
    Onward and downward!
    PS: My word verification is "belly"
