Friday, December 31, 2010

That SO didn't work

Apparently, giving me carte blanch to eat what I want for a week and avoid exercise without self-censure is like giving an alcoholic the freedom to binge one night and then expect him not to drink again.  SO didn't work out well.  I haven't exercised one iota in two weeks now.  I have been eating tons of calories, not curbing myself in any way.  Most mornings my intentions are good when I start out, documenting my breakfast calories and donning my bodybugg, but they have tended to fly out the window by midday, if not sooner.  I haven't been this far off the rails in over a year. 

So, I decided to shock myself back into it by getting a new gym membership and taking advantage of a free session with a personal trainer.  If a one-hour workout with a professional trainer doesn't get me back into moving my bootie, nothing will. 

I had actually been looking into joining an exercise class, either Pilates or Zumba, because I do well in that environment.  I'm competitive enough that I don't slack off in class.  But the classes offered around here are ridiculously expensive, in my opinion.  The cheapest I found was $12 per session.  If I wanted to go twice a week, that's $24 a week!  Nearly a hundred dollars a month!  Just for two classes a week.  Crazy, right?  I thought so anyway.

So I looked into gyms and narrowed it down to LA Fitness.  The name put me off initially, but it's the closest gym to me and it offers the most classes (60 per week!) and when I checked it out it wasn't over crowded like the other gyms I've been to in the area.  They have more facilities in the area, which I figured is to my benefit, right?  Anyway, so I went last night and it really wasn't too busy, although I expect it was less crowded due to the holidays and it will get WAY more crowded in January but then slow down again after that.  I love the choice of classes, though. And the best part is it cost me nothing to sign up and I'm only paying $34 per month.  Yay me :)

So, I've logged my breakfast (oatmeal) and I'm ready to be a part of the diet game again.  I refuse to allow myself to remain off the rails.  I'm just lucky I haven't gained more weight (2 pounds).  Actually I'm AMAZED I haven't gained more weight, although I assume some of the weight I didn't lose was muscle turning into fat.  :/

Hope everyone else is faring better this holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's a good analogy!
    Best wished to a great new year!
