Friday, December 3, 2010

Broke Even

Yesterday was a break even day.  I made my plan and stuck with it...until last night.  I didn't eat a LOT but I did push my calories in to 1700.  And although I worked out, apparently not enough because I only burned 1700.  Better than a gain.  Still, I don't know why I find it so difficult not to eat at night!  I stuck to my plan (had my dinner planned out and added to my calorie counter, went out for fresh air earlier in the day, exercised that night and even cleaned the house).  I wasn't really hungry, just wanting to eat.  Fortunately I only ate 350 calories worth, but still not great. 

Well, today is a new day.  And I still haven't all-out binged, so that's something.  And I'm working out most days, so that's something too.

I get the day off work today, yay.  Kinda, I will have to do a couple things later just cuz they need doing, but it won't take me long.  My dad and I are going shopping for my mother's xmas presents from him.  He wants to get her some clothes because she lost a lot of weight last year and really hasn't replaced her replaced her wardrobe.  She's constantly wearing clothes several sizes too big.

Finding clothes that should fit her might not be easy, though.  She is very petite in stature like me so she only weighs about 95 pounds.  Forget getting clothes that fit in length (don't even bother!) but she wears a 1 and swears she can never find the size.  I begged to differ because my daughter wore a 1 for a couple years and she never had trouble finding clothes in her size.  Course, that may be because she was shopping in the junior sections.  I'm sure we'll find something, though.

Not much else going on this weekend.  Just going to enjoy my (mostly) day off.  Get some writing done.  I'm 50 pages into my book!  Very excited since I only started last weekend.

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