Monday, December 20, 2010

Totally Crap Weekend

Not sure what my problem was, but I was moody this weekend.  Saturday was okay but then I decided I wanted to repaint the kitchen to make it brighter.  Started working on it Saturday evening and quickly realized two things:  1. The paint was TOO bright, more like neon; 2. It was taking several coats to cover the orangish peach paint that was already on there, which meant I probably wasn't going to be done with the project before Christmas.  The hubby and I got into a fight.  Then I couldn't sleep and was up until 4 am when I finally took two Tylenol PM's and proceeded to sleep until 4 pm on Sunday.  Yep, I slept all through Sunday until 4 pm.  Woke feeling gross and not wanting to do anything.  Tried to rally and asked hubby if he wanted to go out, which he did, and booked us a table at an expensive restaurant.  I didn't want expensive restaurant; it's never worth the expense and we're on a tight budget.  He could tell I wasn't pleased with his choice but I didn't want to openly dismiss his efforts.  He knew, though, cuz I'm bad at hiding my feelings and we'd only just left the house when he turned around and drove back.  Once we got home, he called and cancelled the reservations and expressed his frustration that he feels like he can never do anything right.  After talking for a few minutes, he decided we should go elsewhere and we ended up at Sizzler, which is good for my budget.  I ate WAY too much; I mean, way, way, way too much.  It was like I was intent on totally undoing all the efforts of the previous week.  Which I may have been, because I can be self-destructive like that.  Or maybe I was rebelling against the week of denying myself and feeling hungry.  Whatever the reason, I ate my weight in fattening foods.  Came home and drank my weight in margaritas.  We did manage to have a few moments of intimacy that was good for us because it's so rare anymore, but otherwise we did our own thing and I fell into a drunken sleep at 2 am.  Woke this morning at the same weight I'd been before last week, with a headache and a distinct dislike of the morning.  The house is a wreck, laundry piled up, tons of work to be done, and a very partially painted kitchen with the doors off. 

1 comment:

  1. Bad days come and go....
    Here's to better days.
    Many of them.
    and to your headache being gone!
