Sunday, January 2, 2011

Prep Work

I've been doing my prep work the last two days for my new diet regime.  Well, it's not new; just the one I should have been following for the last few months but haven't been except for a couple weeks in early December.  I have my gym membership, as I mentioned, although a nasty cold has kept me from actually using it yet.  I didn't feel it was fair to share my germies with everyone else trying to get healthy.  I did walk both yesterday and today, though, and I'm super happy with myself for that.  In fact, today I walked nearly 4 miles in an hour, which included a few hefty hills.  I'm not even close to trying a jog; not with my sinuses all scratchy and runny and my lungs coughing up nastiness every few minutes.  Still, a walk was perfect.  And it's supposed to help you get over a cold quicker.  We shall see about that.

Today I went grocery shopping and purchased my weight in fruits and veggies and a couple of low-cal yummies to keep my eye from wandering.  I've tracked my calories like a good dieter today; I'm currently at 820 with breakfast, lunch and dinner eaten.  So that's going well so far.  And a good thing, too, because I was up to 135 this morning :(

Not looking forward to getting back to the grindstone with work tomorrow.  And the kids are back in school, which means early morning scrambles to get ready, my youngest being bored from lack of siblings to play with, homework to be done after school, crankiness from being tired from early mornings and trying to make bedtime, which seems to come immediately after dinner and before homework is done.  Plus worrying what my oldest is up to.  Yeah, school still sucks, even though I'm no longer attending myself.

My book is going well, though.  I need to do some switching of scenes and a couple more to write, but it's more than two-thirds done.  Well, of the first draft.  Lots of editing will need to be done.  Some tweaking.  Probably replacing of scenes as I already feel like there are a couple weak ones.  But, still, it's going really well.  Especially considering I only started a month and a half ago.

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