Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The good news...

it wasn't a binge.  The bad news is I drank 700 calories tonight.  Annoying because I'd done well for a few days and I really wanted to get down from my last weigh-in.  But, still, it wasn't a binge.  And I had two days of having a calorie deficit.  Not enough for even a pound (850 calories to be precise) but a deficit!  Today was a surplus.  Not only did I drink more than a meal's worth in drinks (egg nog and brandy to be precise) but I didn't exercise.  Ah well.  Not a binge!!  Gotta focus on the positive.

Yesterday I had an excellent workout.  I was jogging/walking and got near the 5k mark, which is my goal usually, and I wanted to get in under 50 minutes, but was running out of the time, so I upped my pace until I was flat-out running.  I held the run for several minutes.  It felt great!  I couldn't believe I was able to run for so long.  Not jog, actual run.  I was absolutely soaked with sweat and my legs were shaky by the time I was done, but I felt incredible.  Sometimes I amaze myself with how far I've come with my aerobic fitness.  I may have lost some of the strength in my arms and my abdominals, but I definitely haven't backtracked with my aerobic ability.  Despite not having walked or jogged today, I've done over ten miles this week.  And I will definitely get on the treadmill tomorrow.  Its also my day for some strength training. I did some yesterday after my run and it is my plan to do so every other day until I regain my fitness from a few months ago.  Particularly with regard to my abdominals because my back has been really achey the last couple months.

In other news, I am completely done christmas shopping for the kids and, as of tonight, I'm done wrapping presents for them!!  I can't believe it's only the first and I've completely finished shopping and wrapping and filling their stockings.  Actually, I just burst my own bubble because I've just remembered I have a couple more packages coming in the mail.  Dang!  But, still, the majority is wrapped AND I'm done shopping for them.  All I still have to buy for is my dad and my husband.  I know what I'm getting my dad and I have no idea what to get my husband.  He tends to buy things when he wants them so he doesn't exactly have a wish list.

1 comment:

  1. Does the brandy count?
    Well,,, yeah, I guess it does....
    Liquid surplus days are the worst, eh?
