Sunday, June 16, 2013

Successes Happen in Small Steps

Yesterday was a success day.  Not only did I exercise, make my plan and track my food, I stayed on Program as well.  I didn't eat after 7:30 pm, which is part of my new strategy, and I stayed within my food budget.  I felt good.  I wrote in my journal and kept myself focused and busy in the evening.  Win-win. 

Today has been a good day as well.  I tracked my food thus far.  I worked more on my plan this morning.  I am writing in my blog.  And I joined a couple groups to help keep me busy in the evenings and on weekends.  Having something to do and look forward to helps me a lot.  I spend too much time just going to work, running errands and otherwise being at home.  I almost never have any social plans; mostly because we only just moved to the area and I haven't made any friends yet.  Isn't it funny, how we are still worrying about making friends 20 years after we are out of school?  It really never ends, does it?  Well, probably not for everyone - some are blessed early in life with good friends or don't move away to new areas where they have to meet new people.  My husband and I have moved around so much in the last 5 years that we just haven't been able to form friendships.  It isn't helped by the fact that we are not spiritual in the traditional sense, so church-going is not our thing.

Anyway, I'm working on that.  I joined a book club and a mom's group for working moms.  Hopefully I'll make some good acquaintances, if nothing else.

I also bought the necessary materials to plan my week, including with my to-do calendar and my food list.  I will know what I'll be eating each day, so that question is no longer an issue.  Tonight we will eat tuna sandwiches and salad - simple and yummy.

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