Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

So, I have this well-paved habit for myself.  It starts with my morning, when I set my alarm for 6am and then snooze until 7:45am, which is the very latest I can possibly get up and still have time to brush my hair and make it to work on time.  This is followed by 8.5 hours of practicing the art of ass-flattening and eye straining.  I sit and I work on a computer or I sit at the kitchen table and eat my lunch, until it is finally time to go home.  I also practice more ass flattening and frustration making as I drive home from work.  Lots of ass flattening.  I then get home and whaddyaknow.... more ass flattening. 

You would think that after literally spending ALL day sitting, as soon as I was off work I would literally stand or walk my way through my evening and night, just to give my ass a break for a while.  But, you would be wrong.  My ass craves flattening, apparently.  I get home and my entire body and mind are straining for the couch, like a dog on a leash going after a loose kitty.  Or squirrel.  So, it's home, stuff down, and ass plant on the couch where I can spend the next several hours watching mindless TV and eating. 

There have been some improvements in the last few weeks.  Some forcing of myself away from the TV, either to exercise or read or tidy up around the house.  Even if just for a half hour or an hour, it is an improvement.  Still, I wish I could rewrite my daily path.  I guess I am working on rewriting it and I shouldn't expect change overnight and just give myself a break about it.

Tonight I desultorily exercised in front of the TV because I couldn't force myself away from the excitement that is prime time reality TV.  It is just too stimulating.  Either that or I just couldn't be bothered to do anything else.  Or maybe I just need a break from my own thoughts, and TV certainly does that for me, for the most part.  I'm not sure how, now that I think about it.  Because, kidding aside, it really isn't very stimulating or engaging at all, so how does it work for escapism?  Are there subliminal messages going on?  Maybe some hypnotizing so actually I'm asleep but don't realize it?

Honestly, I don't know why TV works and it didn't used to.  I have spend many of my adult years not having TV at all and not missing it.  Strange that I am so addicted to watching it at the moment when this has not been a long-time habit.  With that, you would think I'd have a lot easier time shutting it off.  Maybe I'm really, really needing some easy distraction because I'm just that unhappy with my life, like way more than ever before.  That thought is not joyful making.

I think I'll go brush my teeth.

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