Monday, August 5, 2013

I Ate Too Much Candy

I'm allowed to eat candy, insofar as I don't ban myself from eating any food anymore.  If I want to eat candy, I can, without feeling like a failure.  If I want to eat cake, I can do that too.  However, it is not cool when I eat to the point of feeling gross.  That is not okay, because the whole purpose of this new practice of eating is to feel BETTER, not WORSE.  And the huge surprise of the day:  My over-consumption of candy occurred while watching TV.  I know, astonishing.  The last time I overate - Friday - was while watching a movie.  Saturday and Sunday I refused to allow myself to watch TV (or a movie) and guess what?  No overeating.  I may not be the brightest star in the universe, but even I can detect the correlation.  (Not that I didn't know this before, but it's good to be reminded.)

I was planning on getting up early this morning, but it didn't happen.  I did, however, get to work on time and worked the entire day without problem.  Tomorrow I do have to get up early because I'll be joining the VP on an office visit and I have to meet her before 8am.  That means I have to be on the road before 7am.  Ugh!  It's going to be hard going.  I'm just so not a morning person.  (And that's okay, because I accept myself for who I am.)  I have a plan in place though.  I'm going to get in bed before 9pm and lights out by 10pm.  I even took half a sleeping pill to help (because I know whenever I have to get up early, that's when I can't sleep because I'm all freaked out worrying that I won't get enough sleep). 

I tried doing a Yoga practice this evening, but my stomach was overfull :(.  It was just too distracting.  I honestly can't believe how uncomfortable I feel right now.  I think because when I overeat, I tend to continue to watch TV and so I'm not as aware of how I feel.  Tonight, however, I turned off the TV after watching one show and was instantly aware of feeling bad.  Now I'm sitting here typing this and I swear it feels like a swallowed a balloon and it is expanding with every breath I take, that's how full I feel. 

But, done and over and on to other things.

I didn't have a mindful moment today.  Hmmm...I guess I still need to practice that.  Or maybe I did have a mindful moment, since I became aware of how full my stomach feels.  I can probably count that as a mindful moment.

I feel grateful today that I have a good job.  Even though I don't always want to go, I am lucky in that it is something I am good at, I get paid a decent wage, and I work with pretty good people.  Not perfect, but then neither am I.  In fact, it would be hard to work with perfect people, not to mention downright impossible since no one can be perfect.  I also have good work hours and I'm able to come home every night to make dinner and spend time with the kids.  It's a good life.

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