Friday, January 21, 2011

Pain and off topic rant

So, I went to an aerobics/strength training class on Wednesday and since yesterday I have been hobbling around like an old lady.  I HURT!  I haven't had sore muscles like this in I can't remember when.  Just bending to sit in a chair or on the toilet hurts.  Standing hurts.  Everything hurts!  Sheesh!  I'm glad I got a good workout in, but I'm bummed to miss out on going to Pilates class or the next aerobics class today.  I'm just walking, slowly.  Yesterday I walked around my neighborhood for 30 minutes, slowly.  Today I'll walk with my mom, slowly.  Ugh!  I hope it's better tomorrow.  Besides that it was a super tough workout, I figure I have 2 other reasons to blame for such severe soreness:  1. That I didn't drink enough water on the day of; 2. that I haven't been sleeping well at all.  In fact, I'm headachey and nauseated from lack of sleep.  I have been getting two or three hours of broken sleep since hubby's been out of town.  I feel even worse today.  He's not going to be home today, either :(.  I think it's time to take a little something to help.

Off topic, yesterday I watched the interview of Cathy Cruz Marrero, the lady who was caught on security camera falling into a mall fountain because she was distracted by texting.  On the one hand, I felt for her as I can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been.  On the other hand, I felt like "quit whining already! You f'd up so just own it and move on."  Today, I'm incensed.  I just read about her criminal history.  She's whining about a security guard publishing an embarrassing video of her but she's okay with stealing a coworker's credit card???  Puh-leease.  She totally lost any right to complain about anything when she stole.  And apparently she has other criminal history.  I hope she doesn't come out from under her rock again.  I hate people like that.

Done venting.

1 comment:

  1. BioFreeze to the rescue!
    People like that are too crazy to waste too much brain-cell activity on!
