Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fun and Novel

Apparently, the idea of something being uncomfortable is enough for the brain to steer a wide path - be it the work to get to a goal or even just certain thoughts.  If it's uncomfortable, it's taboo.  Only pleasant, happy, easy stuff gets through without a roadblock.  That's why we're more likely to exercise if it's fun, relatively easy and novel than if it's boring and difficult.

That's why this way of eating is a challenge.  It isn't easy (no pre-packaged foods) and it isn't always fun (between having to go through preparations and finding myself eating the same foods over and over).  Junk food is fun.  Vegetables tend not to be.  Sometimes fruit is yummy; but the sweetness of fruit pales significantly to the sweetness of sugar.  My taste buds have been tainted by sugar.

Also, there's no buzz without the sugar/fat/salt combo.

The trick is to make it fun and novel and interesting.  Obviously, the first few days are novel but that doesn't last.  Which is why I'm trying to make new foods.  Having already cooked foods in neat containers in the fridge has helped but it's only Tuesday and I'm already bored of those foods.  Now what?  I guess it's back to the cook books.  I wish I had a good cook book that follows exactly my diet :)  I guess that's the easy part of just following whatever the latest fad diet is - they usually tell you exactly what to eat.  I know what NOT to eat; not so much what I CAN eat.  Besides meat and vegetables and fruit and brown rice.  Fresh fruit and veggies are somewhat limited around here, being that we're literally in high plains, nothing-can-grow-here-but-rocks for literally miles and miles and miles around.  Also, I'm just not sure what to do with most of it.  I mean, obviously I know what to do with the fruit, but not so much the vegetables.

Again, back to the cook books.  I'll just have to see if the library holds anything even somewhat useful to me.

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